Andy Rapier Obituary

Andy Rapier Obituary


A selfless life, a legacy left behind, a story of love for all mankind. Anyone who knew Delbert Andrew Rapier would know that he had a heart of gold. He added to the legacy of the Rapier name and has been a wonderful example of what Rapier’s stand for and how disciples of Jesus Christ act. A son, a husband, a father, a friend, a bishop, and an inspiration.

Andy was born in good ole’ Duncan, Arizona, June 13th, 1967 to Jack and JoAnn Rapier, the 5th of 7 children. Andy loved sports, playing with his siblings and cousins, and woodworking. Andy served as a full time missionary in the Ireland mission. Soon after he came home he ran into a sliding glass door at a singles’ party which turned out to be his introduction to his beautiful wife, Pamela Morris. They got married March 14th, 1992 and had 3 lovely children: Rachel, Christina and Stephen. Andy always gave his family something to laugh about from the silly lyrics he would make up to songs to the clumsy things he would do.

Andy earned his master’s degree in Geotechnical engineering from ASU or, as his family would say, “He was an accomplished dirt specialist.” He worked at Protex for about 15 years. He was a wonderful father to his children, a loving husband to his wife, and showed endless love and service to his ward in every calling he served in.

After about 3 years of fighting cancer, he passed peacefully surrounded by his wife and 3 children. He was bishop of the Brimhall ward when he passed and anyone could see the love he had for each and every member. Up to his last breath, he served and loved with selflessness and looked to the future with unshakable faith. He lives on as an inspiration to us all. He lives on in the stories and in the lives he changed.